
At Rarity Rugs you’ll find authentic hand-knotted Oriental carpets, plus a selection of textiles and exotic artifacts. These are not mass-produced, factory-made items, each one is a unique expression of love by artisans who are masters of their craft. Make an appointment and to see our sales room with Boise’s most unique collection of imported rugs and artifacts.

Rarity Rugs specializes in the finest handmade Oriental rugs. You won’t find any polypropylene here, just the breathtaking beauty and hand-knotted quality of the genuine article. All our rugs are made from wool, silk or other natural materials. From small entry rugs to runners to room-sized masterpieces, we have a selection to dress your space.

Want something better than the machine-made fare at furniture stores? How about a unique conversation piece for your room? We love to talk rugs, so let us guide you to a rug that works for your personality and style.

Rarity Rugs offers a selection of curated textiles – tapestries, bedcoverings, handbags, scarves, and more, all in gorgeous colors and handmade by artisans in diverse places around the globe. Come find something beautiful and unique.

Our love of eye-catching artworks extends beyond wool and silk. We couldn’t resist a collection of other artifacts as well. We’ve gathered works of stone, wood, and canvas, among others. Stop in periodically to see what amazing objects we’ve come across lately.